Proud to be Green

I left my green bags at home and so what had happened was….. I got caught out there with plastic bags in my hands. Although I really want to do my part to help the world, it’s been a struggle to remember to bring green bags to the supermarket. I have about 12 of them and they are all hanging in my kitchen when they should be in my car. UGH… well, next time.

Anyway, I was impressed that at my neighborhood Super Stop and Shop – Gladys or maybe Agnes, or Mary was her name. Forgive me for not knowing her name. She looks like a Gladys regardless of what her name may be. And her name isn’t a glamourous name like mine (ha) or a Tiffany, or Shaniqua – looks like a Gladys. Anyway, the first thing she said to me was “You have your green bags right?” I was like “No- they are at home!” and then because I was in a talkative mood I told her why I always leave them at home and where they are located in my house and all the stuff she didn’t need to hear. Like how they are hanging on my kitchen hook and I keep forgetting to put them into the car. Then she said, Paper or Plastic… SO I start to struggle? paper is best for the environment but plastic is easier to handle… now i look like a hypocrit. the green grocery shopper with the plastic bags. But their paper bags don’t even have those cute little handles that fall off while you’re carrying your groceries anyway! But I was so happy that they remembered at the store that i was a “greeny” so at that moment I was PROUD TO BE GREEN. I will take the bags out of the kitchen and put them into my car tomorrow.


  1. I’ve recently joined the “Green” team and like you, have found that it takes some getting use to remembering to bring them back to the car once you’ve taken them inside the house. However, unlike you, when I left my “green” bags at home, I chose “paper” please rather than plastic. The plain brown paper bags I’ve found are great for starting a nice cozy fire along with the kindling wood in the fireplace. Or for use to covering packages for mailing and lately I’ve used plain brown paper bags as wrapping paper – this allows me plenty of space for creative designs. But for now, I will tie a piece of green thread around my finger as a reminder to put the green bags in the car when I head to the grocery store. I like you am Proud to be Green….me just doing my part. Deb in New Milford

  2. I’ve recently joined the “Green” team and like you, have found that it takes some getting use to remembering to bring them back to the car once you’ve taken them inside the house. However, unlike you, when I left my “green” bags at home, I chose “paper” please rather than plastic. The plain brown paper bags I’ve found are great for starting a nice cozy fire along with the kindling wood in the fireplace. Or for use to covering packages for mailing and lately I’ve used plain brown paper bags as wrapping paper – this allows me plenty of space for creative designs. But for now, I will tie a piece of green thread around my finger as a reminder to put the green bags in the car when I head to the grocery store. I like you am Proud to be Green….me just doing my part.

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