Gotta have a Plan B

This message is for those who don’t have another plan.
Those who put all their eggs in their mates basket. Let him hold the basket and all the eggs and you are left bewildered –when they fall to the ground when he says the relationship is over. You can’t keep going through life saying, “this is the one” with every man you meet. You have to take time and be ALONE. Some people are afraid to be alone.

Well, I have a girlfriend who is scared STIFF to be by herself. She goes from one man’s house to the other and they are all the one. I have never said, “take your time”, or “are you sure”. I just let what happens, happens, and sure enough – It happened. He said, “let’s call the whole thing off” After she’s moved in all of her stuff from her previous relationship’s place, and started integrating family pictures on the walls and talking about marriage and children. MEN HAVE FOREVER for all that. Women have clocks. I never said, “maybe that’s a bit stiffling for him” so soon. I never suggested anything and now I’m helping to wipe up tears that I may have been able to avoid. Okay, so you say, just another relationship gone bad…But for me it’s a cycle for my friend who I would like to help move to the next level in her development. And, there is no plan B. She’s working on it now.